“Now I’m a mother and a married woman,” begins Bianca, the narrator of this account, “but not long ago I led a life of crime. My brother and I had been orphaned. Somehow that justified everything. We didn’t have anyone. And it all happened overnight.”
Read MoreMarie Arana es una auténtica ciudadana hemisférica. Su escritura explora y abraza los dos lados de las Américas, tal como ella misma lo ha hecho durante toda su vida. Nacida en Lima, de padre peruano y madre “yankee”, se siente igualmente a gusto en ambas culturas.
Read MoreMarie Arana is truly a citizen of the hemisphere. Her writing explores and embraces both continents of the Americas, just as she herself has done throughout her life. Born in Lima to a Peruvian father and a Yankee mother, she is equally at ease in both of their cultures.
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