Premiere of “Girl Rising”
Girl Rising is a groundbreaking film, written in part by Marie, and directed by Oscar nominee Richard Robbins. The segment on Senna, a little girl who lives in the highest habitation in the world—the Peruvian gold mining town of La Rinconada—was written by Marie after traveling 18,200 feet up into a remote corner of the Andes. The movie tells the stories of 8 more extraordinary girls from different countries, each one written by a celebrated woman writer. The film is narrated by 9 renowned actresses, among them Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, Salma Hayek, and Cate Blanchett. Girl Rising showcases the strength of the human spirit and the power of education to change the world. Explore the film in detail at girlrising.com.
Watch a video in which Marie Arana talks about what it was like to meet Senna under a glacier-topped mountain in the gold mines of La Rinconada, Peru.
Also visit the fuller story.