Living Legend Award, Library of Congress
Marie to interview Mario Vargas Llosa, winner of the Living Legend Award, Monday, April 11, 6:30 p.m.
Library of Congress, Jefferson Building, Coolidge Auditorium (10 First Street, S.E., Washington D.C.)
Registration required: Send reservation to [email protected]
LIVING LEGEND AWARD, Symposium and Award Ceremony, Monday, April 11, 2016
2:00 pm: Symposium Panel I, The Scholars Speak
Rubén Gallo, Princeton University
Edith Grossman, Translator of Mario Vargas Llosa’s works
Efraín Kristal, University of California, L.A.
Julio Ortega, Brown University
–Moderator, Gwen Kirkpatrick, Georgetown University
15-minute break
3:45 pm: Symposium Panel II, The Novelists Speak
Alonso Cueto, Peru
Álvaro Enrigue, Mexico
Thomas Mallon, USA
Jane Smiley, USA
–Moderator, Charlotte Rogers, University of Virginia
5:15 pm: Book signing by Symposium authors
6:30 pm: Award Ceremony
Mario Vargas Llosa in conversation with Marie Arana